Specialized Online MBA / Master
Attached please find the Program Structure for;
- Online MBA in Analytics (Business Process Improvement) – here
- Online MBA in Analytics (Health Care Improvement) – here
- Online MBA in Corporate Communication, online MBA in Customer Relationship Management – here
- Online MBA in Engineering Business Management – here
- Online MBA in Engineering Project Management – here
- Online MBA in Fashion Design, online MBA in Public Relations – here
- Online MS in Engineering Business Management – here
- Online MS in Systematic Analytical Finance – here
(to view the respective online MBA / Master Program Structure, please Click the respective online MBA / Master Program in blue “here” above)
All the online MBA Programs are offered by the Columbus Graduate School of Business & Management.
The online MS in Engineering Business Management and online MS in Systematic Analytical Financeis is custom-designed and is offered by the Graduate School of Open Programs.
Each of our online MBA / MS Degree Programs normally takes a minimum of 18 months to complete, standard tuition fee is US$8,950 (the tuition fee is payable in 3 equal installments over a period of 18 months for the standard program and 12 months for the fast-track program). Thesis: 50,000-60,000 words thesis submission is mandatory for online MS Programs (please view Typical Thesis in our website).
Exception is only given to Executives with 15 years or more work experience & they are allowed to undertake fast-track programs which normally take 12 months of rigorous modular based assignment completion for online MBA Programs. For fast-track program consideration we require proof of the stipulated work experience.
The Columbus International University Online Learning Higher Education Campus (ciuohecampus) is a unique Online Learning Higher Education Campus only meant for adults, our prime emphasis is to equip, transform & dynamize all our Masters graduates with the following 12 abilities:
- Ability to form Opinion
- Ability to Answer Questions
- Ability to Question Answers
- Ability to make Decisions
- Ability to follow Decisions Made
- Academic Curiosity Level
- General Knowledge Level
- Industry/Sector Specific Knowledge Level
- Research Ability Level
- Innovation Ability Level
- Perception towards Knowledge Upgrading
- Perception towards Career/Life Improvement
Thank you.
Nancy Oliver
Columbus International University
Online Higher Education Campus
Columbus takes Knowledge Seriously…because only Knowledge Leads to Prosperity. Visit our Website: www.ciuohecampus.com & discover the whole Paradigm which can Lead you to Prosperity Infinitely
Note: The Columbus International University Online Higher Education Campus is a NON-ACCREDITED Low Cost/Low Tuition 100% Online Higher Education Provider/Institution advocating only 100% Quality Online Higher Education Programs/Courses predominantly to adults globally who didn’t complete their Higher Education due to various factors in their life. As such, all prospective adult candidates/students who wish to complete their Higher Education with the Columbus International University Online Learning Higher Education Campus are kindly requested to visit and go through thoroughly our Website: www.ciuohecampus.com and understand our concept and outlook on Higher Education before proceeding further. Thank you.
What is so Good about Accredited Institutions-Discover the Truth below….
Bill Gates told Harvard, “This is not what I want”….
Steve Jobs left Reed College because it was not his cup of tea….
Albert Einstein told himself, “I will do it on my own”, and formed Olympia Academy….
Mohandas K. Gandhi (M. K. Gandhi) failed several times in University of London before completing Law and making the British Empire collapse….
Christopher Columbus told himself, “I will take the direction no one has ever taken”, and discovered Americas….
None of the above five had a Standardized mind/brain….
Let it be Harvard, MIT, Caltech, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge or even in the East University of Melbourne, all are accredited or are with royal charter but none ever can come close to Columbus International University Online Higher Education Campus (www.ciuohecampus.com) which is non-accredited because just one link “Life is for Joy” took us twenty years of search, research and to perfect (1995-2015) and finally completed this month December 30, 2015….
The United States boasts about being top in quality education but has failed to save many precious lives, such as the one of the late Steve Jobs (one of my many close friends whom I miss)….
But certainly the United States is good….simply because she does not believe in illusion and these two past Presidents has proved it: John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan (these two are certainly immortals) but I am sorry to say that the current US President (2015) is merely….a waste of time and resources….
Thank you.
Gary Gandhi (M. J. Gandhi)
John D. Rockefeller Distinguished Professor of Management
Columbus Graduate School of Business & Management
Columbus International University Online Higher Education Campus
*Gary Gandhi’s (M. J. Gandhi’s) Complete Detailed Descriptive Track Record (Profile) can be Viewed in LinkedIn
Discover the Columbus Top Notch Research & Development (R & D) Paradigm…the Power which is Totally Changing the Lifestyle Globally
Columbus conducts Empirical Research & Development (R & D) in 36 Sectors/Industries and provides support for Development Solutions as follows:
- Aerospace
- Agriculture
- Airline & Travel
- Automotive
Biotechnology - Building Materials
- Chemicals
- Communications
- Construction
- Consumer Products & Services
- Defense
- Education
- Energy & Environment
- Electronics & High Technology
- Food & Beverage
- Forest Products
- Freight & Logistics
- Government & Public Sector
- Health Care
- Industrial Equipment
- Information Technology
- Infrastructure & Transportation
- Insurance & Financial Services
- Life Sciences
- Manufacturing
- Marine
- Media & Entertainment
- Medical Equipment
- Metal & Mining
- Nanotechnology
- Oil & Gas
- Pharmaceutical
- Retail
- Space Technology
- Utilities
To view our current on-going Empirical Research & Development (R & D) activities visit our R & D Portal in our website: www.ciuohecampus.com
In our website on the horizontal link towards your right hand side you will notice the letter R & D, just click on it and it will show you the above 36 Sector subjects, than go through each Sector’s Research activities thoroughly as it pleases you and this is what basically our current state of advancement is all about.
Finally, if you have any difficulty in understanding any of the above 36 Sector’s Research activity just send me a mail and I will thoroughly explain to you.
Thank you.
Warm regards,
Nancy Oliver
Columbus International University
Online Higher Education Campus
Columbus takes Knowledge Seriously…because only Knowledge Leads to Prosperity
Visit our Website: www.ciuohecampus.com & discover the whole Paradigm which can Lead you to Prosperity Infinitely
Perceive Right and Get Yourself What You Want!
What may seem food to one may seem poison to others!
What may seem business to one may seem trash/rubbish to others!
What may seem faith to one may make others laugh in their minds!
What may seem logic to one may arouse scepticism to others!
What may seem truth to one may seem false to others!
What may seem reality/realistic to one may seem delusion to others!
What may seem joy/joyful to one may seem illusion to others!
What may seem wealth to one may seem not to interest others!
What may seem normal behaviour to one may seem to be abnormal to others!
What may seem to be excellent to one may seem to be common/ordinary to others!
What may seem to be normal human relations conduct to one may seem to be classless level of executive conduct to others!
What may seem to be short period of life time (life is short) to one may seem to signify negative/failure in life’s achievement/conclusion to others!
What may seem to be success in material wealth to one may seem not to be success in spiritual/fanatic/religious fulfilment to others!
……finally…….What may seem to be total perfection to one with the right ideal……conscience……vision……mission……goal……objective…….passion…….enthusiasm……attitude……excellence……fantasy……fancy……may seem to be routine/monotonous/mundane to others (especially those contented ones)……!
……..get your requirements right……it is what you want which is proportional to your ability…….know-how……satisfaction…….delight…….brought-up/build-up……and the most important factor……What you know!
Thank you.
Kind and professional regards,
Nancy Oliver
Columbus International University
Online Higher Education Campus
Columbus takes Knowledge Seriously…….because only Knowledge Leads to Prosperity
Visit our Website: www.ciuohecampus.com & discover the whole Paradigm which can Lead to Prosperity Infinitely